Ofisimiz ismi kullanılarak masraf veya başka bir gerekçe ile para istenmesine itibar etmeyiniz. ​

 Immigrant Smuggling Crime

Immigrant Smuggling Crime

Immigrant is a person who voluntarily leaves their country of residence for another country with the intention of settling there due to various reasons such as education, economic, or political factors. Therefore, a person who temporarily goes to another country…

 Intentional Injury Offenses

Intentional Injury Offenses

The offense of intentional injury is regulated under the second section titled “Crimes against Persons” and the second chapter titled “Crimes against Bodily Integrity” of the Turkish Penal Code, between Articles 86-88. Behaviors intentionally committed against the bodily integrity of…

 Alimony in Divorce Cases

Alimony in Divorce Cases

When the continuation of the marital union is significantly shaken beyond expectation, the divorce process is initiated between the parties to terminate the existing marriage. However, the divorce process brings along certain legal concepts, one of which is alimony. Alimony,…

 Case Of Increase Of Alimony

Case Of Increase Of Alimony

Alimony is the money agreed upon to be paid in bulk or monthly to the party who will fall into poverty among the parties going through or already divorced, as well as for the parties’ common children. In our legal…

 Theft Crimes

Theft Crimes

The crime of theft has been committed from ancient times to the present day and is one of the most commonly committed crimes in our country as well. Nowadays, the manner in which theft is committed, the tools used in…

 Consumer Law

Consumer Law

In our legal system, regulations regarding consumer law were first made with Law No. 4077 on the Protection of the Consumer Rights in 1995. In parallel with the needs of society, Law No. 6502 on the Protection of the Consumer…